Special Occasion means different things to different people; regardless, all of us understand the meaning behind gift-giving, and how important it can be when attempting to communicate the importance of that Special Occasion. Here’s the good news: No matter YOUR definition of Special Occasion, we just know that you can find something suitable to give the person you care about that communicates who you are and what the person or day means to you.

What is a Special Occasion?

For some of us, every day may be a special occasion. For others, special occasion means it’s the Christmas holiday or one’s birthday. Then, for instance, my husband at age 75 says, that “…every day I wake up and don’t see my name in the obituaries, I know it’s going to be a great day!” For my MUCH younger self, I do feel similarly, especially since overcoming breast cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments in 2018. I have friends who feel that Valentine’s Day is a special day to be celebrated, while others cringe that it’s just an over-rated and made-up holiday for the floral and greeting card industry. Let’s just say, if it’s worth celebrating to any one person, it’s a Special Occasion!

Special Occasion Gifts

Multiple Fabulous Finds are located right here, in just one of our sites alone: AWESOME GIFTS. We’ve got awesome gifts for all ages, children and adults alike. The gifts we offer go from the practical (wine openers) to those that entertain (fidget toys for both children and adults). But with that said, it’s only one of our places to go for gifts.

Special occasion gift-giving may mean one of our fine wines from Sonoma and Napy Valleys.

This page itself will offer you numerous sites where you will locate awesome gifts and other fabulous finds, such as our FINE WINES. These are not just ANY wines, like wines you would pick up in the grocery or big box stores. These are $80 to $120 bottles of wines from our wine club, that are fine wines from the Sonoma and Napa Valleys, but without all the harmful additives of the cheaper, grocery store fruit slushies. This membership club is such an awesome gift to give someone special or significant to you, or who is experience a Special Occasion that you want to recognize in a very personal way.

Now, many women, but not all, will balk at getting a gift that is specifically for their home or kitchen. I say not all, because this blog writer happens to be one of those gals who would love to receive something that is going to make my life easier and/or more convenient. Such is the case with Cool Kitchen Tools & Gadgets. You can find things to better organize your kitchen and home, or things that will ease time spent in cleaning. Let me just say that some of us older folks would find joy in anything that offers us more time to spend on doing what we LOVE to do…which may not include cleaning.

Don’t Forget Our Beloved Pets!

Just peruse our Pets & Their Needs category pages for all sorts of products and free information available for your pets. Good nutrition is important to many of us, both for ourselves and our pets. Plus, your pet will love you for anything you can do and provide them that will help with their skin allergies (The Secret of Youth!) or their neuroglogical difficulties (Brain Power for the Win). What works for us humans can also benefits or furry loved ones. That’s also true of Stop the Stink of Dog Farts!, which offers both pet and human versions of the same product. Shhhhhh! Just don’t tell the person who sleeps with you and passes gas under the sheets that you found the human version while search to help your pet.

Stocking-Stuffer Gifts.

Which brings us yet to another Fabulous Find in our SNAPS! Small enough to pack into a Christmas stocking, yet powerful to change and impact one’s quality of life! We’ve got SNAPS to do the following:

  • Improve brain power
  • Restore one’s biome in their gut
  • Help one to sleep while losing weight
  • Jump-start weight loss by increasing morning metabolism.
  • Re-establish the youthful appearance and function of one’s skin, hair, nail and joints
Special Occasion Gift-Giving may include stocking stuffers of SNAP lite versions.

Similiar to the SNAPS are the LITE VERSIONS! There are three, which be used in place of the SNAPS for for brain power, aid in sleeping, and aid in restoring the gut biome. What’s great about these is they are portable, cost-effective and just plain fun to use. 8 sprays of a LITE VERSION equals 1 SNAP. While some may not want to take a full version of the SNAP, 4 sprays of a LITE VERSION may be just the ticket! Think about getting for travel. When you have trouble staying awake in the car, take a couple sprays of the brain version. When you can’t fall asleep in a strange bed, think of the SNAP for sleep. And who’s gut isn’t always off course when traveling? Yup, you’ve got a LITE VERSION for that too!

Stay on that Same Page!

Maybe there’s a teen that you worry about related to constantly talking on their phone, held up to their ear, and readily taking in EMFs all around them from all of the ever-constant electronic products in-use? Consider buying them an awesome necklace that actually surrounds your loved one with a “bubble” of protection from EMFs. This necklace is beyond description and good for 10 years! It ooks beatiful to wear every day, all day. And, it will provide you with 10 years that you don’t have to worry how all the EMF smog is damaging their body!

Celebrations Mean Snacks for Gifters and Giftees!

And what’s better than our Protein Popcorn, to take you through hours of holiday driving to see the relatives? And, you have some delicious treats to share with the family when you get to your destination! Just don’t waste this special treat, stringing it for Grandma’s tree. Heck no! It’s way too good for that. You’ve got three flavors to try yourself, and to gift to those you REALLY love. These bags are just very hard to part with…I’m warning you in advance! Maybe you shouldn’t try until AFTER you gift them. An just remember, the way to every man’s heart is through his stomach!

Travel, Looking Chic

Yes, we’ve found the ultimate gift for travelin’ gals! Wearing this will keep your neck warm in the cool airport. It’s also a great place to put your phone, passport and needed travel money. Yes, we have scarves with pockets, that can also change into other things. What is so needed is something to stash everything needed for travel that frees up your hands to do what’s truly needed. Funny thing, but I always use to think to myself when in the airport: “Am I situated to perform CPR if need be? Oh good. Grab your mask pack and put it here.” And yes, you’ll also find what you need for both women AND men.

And finally, don’t forget to Contact Us whenever you fill the need: if you like what you see here in these pages or if there’s something that is proving to be an angst for you and needs fixing. We need to know if something ain’t right; and, happy to hear if it exceeds your expectations.