Go Lite with a New Bio-hacked Spray Mist

A Biohacked Spray? Finding one of our SNAPS to be too much for you? No problem. Now, we offer a lite version on three of our Fabulous Bio-hacking Solutions. It comes as a lite, bio-hacked spray mist, which you spray directly into the mouth. Let’s take a look at each of them here and why it is that you might want to consider a lite spray mist, versus a full SNAP.

First, let me address why one might consider a “LITE “version of one of our biohacked SNAPS. These might be one of the following:

Lite bio-hacked spray mist comes in 3 different types for 3 different health foci.
  • They are good for travel, being easier to pack rather a covered spray bottle than a SNAP. The last time I traveled, I placed my SNAPS in a plastic sandwhich back, but with all of the moving of luggage and other travel “stuff,” I found that a few of my SNAPS did just that..they opened up and drained into the bag, so that the inside was a mess! Sadly, I also didn’t get my full dose when I got to my destination.
  • Maybe you need more than 1 SNAP/day, but a second full version dose would be too much for you? Then take 2 -6 sprays of a LITE version, since 8 sprays equals a full dose.
  • This too, comes in very handy when doing a long-haul drive from Florida to Minnesota in 20 hours. Yes, we have two drivers when we do it, but you still get tired and your vision becomes blurry. after a few hours. Just take a couple sprays of brān® and all is well. I tell you, it’s much better for your health to be doing a spray, rather than stopping and getting yourself some high-energy drink (BAD news).
  • Just to have on hand, incase of a unexpected situation. Maybe the grandkids are coming over to spend the night and one needs some zlēm® in order to get to sleep. You might feel guilty giving a full version to your grandchild (you shouldn’t, because they are 100 percent safe and non-toxic), but you don’t want to wake up the daughter-in-law at 1 am. But 2 sprays of zlēm® is a no-brainer! Grandma and grandchild will both be happy the next day, getting a restful night’s sleep.

Next, let’s talk about the three SNAPS that are available in the LITE biohacked spray mist version. They are the brān®, byōm® and zlēm® As well as finding the information here, I also include the links to where I give each their own informational page and address their uniqueness. So, you shouldn’t be short on information and in knowing what they are about.

Okay, taking each one alphabetically, first up is the brān®, pronounced [breyn]: Enjoy!

What NOT to say about brān®? It doesn’t matter how young or old you are. We all need a little help now and then to think clearer and to feel better. Especially now, there seems to be such an increase in mood disorders. There’s a lot going on in the world and in the news that might be having your feel more down than usual. Now, you don’t just have to wait until you see the psychologist or psychiatrist. You don’t even have to wait for the next sunny day! All you have to wait is the 2 days it takes to get this Bio-hacking Solution sent to you via UPS, 2nd day Air.

Yes, that’s right. We even have one member in our Online Community who swears that its the brā that is improving his eyesight to the point of no longer needing glasses! He can’t swear to it that it’s the brā that has done it, but heck, he takes all of the Bio-hacking Solutions available, so who’s to know?

Next up is byōm® [pronounced by-ohm]:

A healthy gut is so important these days, especially as we hear more and more how our foods are being fully processed, engineered, capable of 3D printing, and on and on. Afterall, what we take in our mouths, usually ends up in our gut. Not only is our gut impacted by the foods we eat but by the surrounding environment, how our foods were grown and fertized/not fertized, how our diets change with travel to different areas, and how we are affected by stress, environs, mobility, intake of water etc.

We need to take better care of our gut, as it is often said to be our second brain! As our gut goes, so goes the rest of us. If your gut is acting up, you need to restore your gut’s natural byōm®. And like so many of us in this Online Community, this should’ve probably been my first purchase of these Biohacking Solutions! Now is better than ever!

Finally, comes zlēm® [pronounced zleem]:

Sleep better and slim easier with zlēm®. Heck, there’s a reason this SNAP is our #1 selling SNAP in the Bio-hacking Solutions. Not only will it assist you in quickly falling to sleep within 30 minutes of taking it before bedtime. It also helps to increase your metabolism through the process of thermogenesis. Your body will begin to lose inches and pounds, as your body burns it’s source of fat and glucose. Zlēm® will actuall promote sleep while losing pounds and inches, and gaining energy, at the same time! Do you kow of another product that does that? T

he connection between sleep (or lack thereof) has often been noted by the research to be linked to weight loss (or lack thereof). I’m on this journey myself, hoping to experience what others in our Online Community have experience. They’vw been using these products for over 3 years. I’m a baby at 1 year use, and that does not include yet using all of our Bio-hacking Solutions. That changes with April of 2024!

As always, feel free to CONTACT US as needed, for anything, anywhere. It’s how we roll! We want to hear from you. Better yet, join us in this Online Community and do what we do!