Brain Power for the Win

Wahoo! We have a new Fabulous Find available for you, called brān® (pronounced bray-n). It will be just what you need to meet the daily demands in today’s busy, busy world. No more will you feel as if you are on a non-stop treadmill, with everything moving around you and outside of your reach. You are soon to feel more in control of yourself, and your surroundings, while having the ability to think more clearly than ever before.

Brain power comes as brān® (pronounced bray-n).

So, it’s part of a new science, call Nootropics. Nootropics are supplements and substances that can actually improve your brain function, while also improving your mood, memory, focus, clarity and even creativity or motivation. Since the brain controls everything else in our bodies, it makes sense then that we want our top (literally) organ functioning at it’s best. In this competitive world we live in, we all want to be at our VERY BEST.

Watch the below presentation and learn how nootropics and brān® work:

With brān®, you’ll get some of the following, after 1 to 5 days of use:

  • An increase in mental energy, with clearer thinking and focus, allowing you to accomplish more in your day
  • Achieve a state of Flow, and winning, as you strive to meet your goals with improved drive and motivation
  • An improved ability to think positively, which further improves your MOTIVATION AND PRODUCTION
  • An improved mood, which becomes addictive (even though brān® itself is non-addictive)

Who Doesn’t Want to be Happy?

I know I do!

My husband and I are both taking the brān®. I usually take mine at 3 pm when when I start feeling a little sluggish. It’s the same time I would normally take another cup of coffee, but the caffeine with the coffee is not such a great thing at that time of day, for us older folks. My husband takes his first thing in the morning, since at age 76, he still works part-time outside the home in the early mornings. We both have really noticed an improvement with my husband. He was becoming more forgetful with mood swings throughout the day. The mood swings have disappeared and he is back to the man I knew when we got married 20-some years ago. I LOVE that!

And you will too as soon as you “SNAP” brān® open, and discover this Fabulous Find for yourself. “SNAP” the product directly into your mouth (hold in your mouth for a few seconds, before swallowing), or add it to your favorite hot or cold beverage. And then, just wait a few second after you follow and I swear, you’ll feel it begin to work immediately in increasing your focus and mental clarity. And hallelujah, you’ll get to pick from the following 5 different flavors:

  • Lemon Drop
  • Caramel Macchiato
  • Chocolate Sea Salt
  • Chocolate Mint
  • Peanut Butter Cup–this flavor tends to come and go with the seasons, but order it when available because it’s just THAT good!

Still have questions and need more information? Then visit this page which can tell you about the many BIO-HACKING SOLUTIONS we have available for you.

Have something to say? CONTACT US if you have unanswered questions or just a need to say something to us. Maybe you’re not finding what you feel you really need. Melissa’s Market wants to hear from you.